ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Research on the method for calculating the bulk density of debris flow based on the integrity coefficient of watershed morphology

    • 摘要: 通过对四川山区20条典型泥石流沟道的现场调查,建立了流域形态完整系数与泥石流浆体容重的统计关系,通过拟合分析形成了基于流域形态完整系数泥石流容重的指数式计算公式,获取了回归曲线,并采用误差分析、影响因素分析及趋势分析验证了该计算公式的合理性。研究表明,泥石流流域形态对泥石流浆体容重有很大影响,在区域地质背景条件相似时,浆体容重随流域形态完整系数的增大而减小。当流域形态完整系数大于0.3时,形成的泥石流多为稀性泥石流,且逐步向水石流、夹砂水流的状态发展,浆体容重可达到1.28t/m3的极值,这与目前观测到的泥石流容重最小值相符。基于统计关系所建立的拟合公式尤其适用于流域形态完整系数较大的桦叶形泥石流沟,可为无法观测(已暴发或难以到达)的泥石流沟容重的计算提供简便方法,亦可为容重参数的合理确定提供区域性参考。


      Abstract: In this paper, we build up the statistic relationship between the bulk density of debris flow slurry and integrity coefficient of watershed morphology by carrying out field investigation of 20 debris flow basins at the mountain areas of Sichuan province. With fitting analysis results, we fit the trend line and obtain the exponential formula to calculate the bulk density of the debris flow slurry, verifying the rationality of fitting formula by error analysis, effect factors analysis and tendency analysis. Primary research results show that integrity coefficient of basin shape exert a remarkable influence on the bulk density, which decreases when the integrity coefficient increases. The diluted debris flow or even water-stone flow is formed when the integrity coefficient is over 0.3, and the minimal value of bulk density is 1.28 t/m3 from calculation, which is very close to the current observed value. This method is especially suitable for those debris flows whose integrity coefficient of watershed morphology is relatively large. It can provide an easy way to calculate the bulk density of the debris flow which cannot be observed directly, and it is also helpful to determine the bulk density legitimately in some regions.


