Source of ?SO2-4?in karst groundwater in the Liulin spring area
摘要: SO2-4浓度偏高是晋西柳林泉域岩溶水的主要特色之一,判断SO2-4来源对于理解岩溶水的水文地球化学过程具有重要意义。在分析区域地质、水文地质条件及岩溶水中SO2-4浓度空间分布特征的基础上,利用化学计量学法、同位素质量平衡模型和Rayleigh蒸馏模型,分析了岩溶水中SO2-4的主要来源,计算了不同来源的SO2-4所占的比例和滞流区岩溶水中SO2-4的还原比例。结果显示,石膏的溶解和黄铁矿的氧化是柳林泉域岩溶水中SO2-4的主要来源,排泄区岩溶水中石膏溶解来源的SO2-4所占比例介于73%~88%之间,平均为81%;黄铁矿氧化来源的SO2-4占比12%~27%,平均为19%。滞流区发生了硫酸盐的还原作用,约有9%~15%的SO2-4被脱硫细菌还原为H2S气体,且越靠近西部边界,还原反应所消耗的SO2-4比例越高。Abstract: The karst groundwater in the Liulin spring area is characterized by higher SO2-4- concentrations. It is important to understand the hydrogeochemical processes of karst groundwater to explore the source of SO2-4?Based on analysis of regional geologic and hydrogeologic conditions and spatial distribution of SO2-4concentrations in the karst groundwater, the methods for stoichiometry, isotopic mass balance model and Rayleigh distillation model are used to analyze the source of SO2-4, and to calculate the ratio of variable sources and the reduction ratio for SO2-4in stagnant areas. The results show that SO2-4 in the karst groundwater primarily stems from dissolution of gypsum and oxidation of pyrite. The percentages of SO2-4?from dissolution of gypsum range from 73% to 88% with a mean value of 81% in the discharge area, while those from oxidation of pyrite range from 12% to 27% with a mean value of 19%. The reduction of SO2-4occurs in the stagnant area, and the reduction ratios are in the ranges 9%~15% with the higher ratios close to the western boundary.
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