ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Karst geological survey and analysis of its development characteristics in Xuzhou

    • 摘要: 基于徐州城市地质调查与徐州地区岩溶塌陷调查的平台,紧扣徐州岩溶地质特征和徐州城市建设对岩溶地质调查的需求,以查明城市规划区岩溶发育特征为目标,在充分利用前人资料的基础上,分别针对裸露型岩溶区和覆盖型岩溶区展开地质调查,并辅以物探及钻探等进行勘察验证,有力地提高了区内岩溶地质调查成果的精度。同时,对徐州城市规划区岩溶层组、岩溶出露条件以及发育程度等进行了分析,区内岩溶发育主要为新生代以来的浅表性岩溶,岩溶发育程度总体受构造控制呈北东向“强-弱”相间展布,废黄河断裂带沿线,奥陶系马家沟组和寒武系张夏组碳酸盐岩分布区岩溶极为发育。


      Abstract: Based on the projects of Xuzhou urban geological survey and Xuzhou karst collapse investigation, stuck to karst geological characteristics and urban construction demand for karst geological survey with full use of the previous data, the geological survey of bare karst area and covered karst area has been respectively carried out, which is aimed to find out the karst development characteristic in urban planning area. At the same time, the geophysical exploration, drilling and some other methods have been used for exploration and validation. Then the accuracy of karst geological survey in this area has been improved effectively. As well, the author has analyzed the karst formations, karst exposed conditions and development degree. The karst development in this area is mainly superficial karst since the Cenozoic and the degree is generally controlled by geological structure which is distributed with the type of “strong-weak” in the northeast direction. Along the Old Yellow River fault zone, the karst of O2m and ∈2z develops very well.


