ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Effects of acid rain on mechanical properties of the shale in the slip zone of Jiweishan landslide in Wulong of Chongqing

    • 摘要: 为了研究酸雨对重庆武隆鸡尾山滑坡滑带页岩物理力学性质的影响,在鸡尾山滑坡滑源区滑面向下游延伸处取样,制成粉末和块体试样,在实验室内使用pH为3的稀盐酸溶液浸泡,测试其物质成分的变化。结果显示:页岩与稀盐酸溶液作用的过程中有较为明显的钙质出溶现象,这一反应在粉末中发生的速率更快。测试从鸡尾山滑坡坡脚流出的泉水的离子成分,结果显示相对于酸雨,泉水中钙离子浓度显著增高,进一步证实滑带在酸雨作用下钙质出溶现象较为显著。钙质页岩中方解石成分的溶出,导致滑带强度减小。


      Abstract: The effects of acid rain on mechanical properties of the shale in the slip zone of Jiweishan landslide in Wulong of Chongqing are investigated in this article. Shale samples were taken from the extending downstream of the slip zone of the Jiweishan rock avalanche, and were made into powder and block before immersed in the solution. In laboratory, calcareous shale in the slip zone of the Jiweishan landslide was subjected to acid water immersion where pH is 3, and was tested for changes in their compositions. The experimental results show that the calcareous exsolution was observed in the acid solution with shale immersed, and the velocity of the shale powder was faster. The ion components of the water from the toe of the Jiweishan landslide were tested, and the results show that Ca2+ concentration was obviously higher than that of the acid rain, indicating that the calcareous exsolution was faster under the circumstance with acid rain. The exsolution of calcite from the calcareous shale may lead to the decrease in the strength of the slip zone.


