ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Field test of static and dynamic response of reinforced earth retaining wall under vehicle load

    • 摘要: 为研究车辆荷载作用下加筋土挡墙的静动力响应规律,以330国道K139+100~K139+400路段的模块式加筋土挡墙为原型,通过埋设动静土压力盒、柔性位移计以及加速度计等元器件,测试了车辆荷载作用下加筋土挡墙的筋材拉应变、面墙后侧向土压力、加筋体后侧向土压力和挡墙的侧向变形等。结果表明:车辆荷载作用时,挡土墙面墙上部的响应加速度远大于下层;当车辆荷载作用在加筋体上时,车辆行车距离对加筋体内产生的动土压力影响不大,当车辆荷载作用在加筋体后时,车辆行车距离对加筋体内的动土压力大小及分布模式有很大影响。无论是在车辆静载作用下还是在车辆动载作用下,加筋体后侧向土压力远大于面墙后的侧向土压力。


      Abstract: In order to examine the static and dynamic response of reinforced earth retaining wall under vehicle load, this paper takes the modular reinforced earth retaining wall in the K139+100~K139+400 section of the 330 national highway as the prototype. By burying the soil pressure box, flexible displacement meter, accelerometer and other components, the reinforcement tensile strain, wall lateral earth pressure, stiffened body lateral earth pressure for retaining wall and lateral deformation are tested. The test results show that when the vehicle dynamic load is applied, the response acceleration on the upper part of the retaining wall is much larger than that of the lower layer; when the vehicle load is applied on the reinforced body, the vehicle driving distance has little effect on the earth pressure in the reinforced body; when the vehicle load is applied behind the reinforced body, the vehicle driving distance has great effect on the earth pressure in the reinforced body. Whether under the vehicle static load or under the vehicle dynamic load, the lateral earth pressure of the reinforced body is much larger than the lateral earth pressure behind the face wall.


