ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Test research on the tensile properties of remoulded clay

    • 摘要: 利用应变控制式拉伸试验仪研究重塑黏性土的单轴抗拉特性,探究了含水率、干密度、高径比对试样应力应变曲线、抗拉强度、峰值应变以及拉伸能量的影响,并分析了其内在机理,讨论了土体抗拉强度的来源。试验结果表明:(1)含水率和干密度对抗拉强度影响很大,呈线性相关,具体表现为:含水率升高,抗拉强度先增大后减小;干密度越大,抗拉强度越大。在高径比相同的情况下,高度和直径的变化对抗拉强度影响不大;(2)峰值应变由应力应变曲线形态决定,因而主要受土样的抗拉强度、可塑性以及破坏方式影响;(3)应力应变曲线大致可分为四类,曲线形态各不相同;(4)拉伸能量由应力应变曲线形态决定。含水率影响试样的抗拉强度和塑性,干密度影响试样的抗拉强度和内部结构,因而两者对拉伸能量的影响很大。高径比不变时,试样高度和直径的变化对拉伸能量影响不大。


      Abstract: The tensile behaviors of remoulded clay are investigated with a strain-controlled tensile apparatus. A lot of tests are conducted in order to evaluate the effects of dry density, moisture content, and ratio of height to diameter on the tensile stress-strain curves, tensile strength, peak stain and tensile strain energy density. The experimental results show that (1) moisture content and dry density have crucial influence on the tensile behaviors of soil. With the increasing moisture content, the tensile strength first increases and then decreases linearly. The tensile strength decreases linearly with the decreasing dry density. Changes in the height and diameter of soil samples have little effect on the tensile strength under the condition of the same ratio of height to diameter. (2) Peak strain is dependent on the shape of the stress-strain curve and is mainly affected by the tensile strength, plasticity and failure mode. (3) The stress-strain curves can be roughly divided into four types according to the curve shape. (4) The tensile strain energy density is determined by the tensile stress-strain curves. Moisture content and dry density have a great effect on the tensile strain energy density because the former affects the tensile strength and plasticity and the latter has an impact on the tensile strength and internal structure. For the soil samples with the same ratio of height to diameter, changes in height and diameter have little effect on the tensile strain energy density.


