ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P
  • 中文核心期刊
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  • 中国科技核心期刊
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  • CSCD(核心库)来源期刊
  • 《WJCI 报告》收录期刊
周训, 李晓露, 王蒙蒙, 王洁青, 郭娟, 刘海生, 杨苗林, 王晓翠, 任振华, 郑玉慧. 浅循环泉简析[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2017, 44(5): 1-1.
引用本文: 周训, 李晓露, 王蒙蒙, 王洁青, 郭娟, 刘海生, 杨苗林, 王晓翠, 任振华, 郑玉慧. 浅循环泉简析[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2017, 44(5): 1-1.
ZHOUXun, . A preliminary analysis of the springs of shallow groundwater circulation[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2017, 44(5): 1-1.
Citation: ZHOUXun, . A preliminary analysis of the springs of shallow groundwater circulation[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2017, 44(5): 1-1.




A preliminary analysis of the springs of shallow groundwater circulation

  • 摘要: 泉按照出露原因通常可以分为侵蚀泉、接触泉、溢流泉(溢出泉)和断层泉等。根据泉眼和地下水循环深度(或径流位置)的相对关系,泉可以分为表层泉、浅循环泉和深循环泉。地下水在地下流动(循环)的最深处仍然高于泉口,这类泉称为浅循环泉。浅循环泉出露的位置并不在地形最低处,其补给来源主要是大气降水入渗,地下水受到重力作用自高处往低处流动,在地下径流的途径短、时间短,流量一般不大。浅循环泉通常是常温泉、淡水泉(也有咸泉和盐泉),多是常年性泉,也有部分是季节性泉或暂时性泉。广西北竂岭北坡泉和云南顺荡井盐泉是典型的浅循环泉。
    Abstract: Springs are classified based on their genesis into depression spring, contact spring, overflow spring and fault spring, etc. Based on the depth of groundwater circulation (or the position of groundwater flow), springs can be classified into the spring of surficial groundwater circulation, the spring of shallow groundwater circulation and the spring of deep groundwater circulation. A spring is referred to as the spring of shallow groundwater circulation when its orifice is still lower than the deepest position of groundwater flow in the subsurface. The spring of shallow groundwater circulation does not occur in the lowest topography. After receiving recharge from infiltration of precipitation, groundwater flows from high position to low position as a result of gravity. Groundwater flow path for this kind of springs is short and the groundwater residence time is not long. Springs of shallow groundwater circulation are generally ambient springs and fresh water springs (also saline springs or salty springs), and most of them are perennial springs and parts of them are seasonal springs or temporary springs. The Beiliaoling Northern Slope spring in Guangxi and the Shundangjing salty spring in Yunnan are typical springs of shallow groundwater circulation.
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-01-07
  • 修回日期:  2017-02-14


