ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P
  • 中文核心期刊
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  • 《WJCI 报告》收录期刊


李华翔, 宁立波, 黄景春, 王忠伟, 苏绘梦

李华翔, 宁立波, 黄景春, 王忠伟, 苏绘梦. 裂隙岩体水汽场内温湿度分布及汽液转化规律研究——以河南省宜阳锦屏山为例[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2017, 44(6): 9-9.
引用本文: 李华翔, 宁立波, 黄景春, 王忠伟, 苏绘梦. 裂隙岩体水汽场内温湿度分布及汽液转化规律研究——以河南省宜阳锦屏山为例[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2017, 44(6): 9-9.
LIHuaxiang, . A study of the distribution of temperature-humidity and vapor-liquid transformation in the water vapor field of fractured rock mass: a case study in the Jinping Mountain of Yiyang county in Henan[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2017, 44(6): 9-9.
Citation: LIHuaxiang, . A study of the distribution of temperature-humidity and vapor-liquid transformation in the water vapor field of fractured rock mass: a case study in the Jinping Mountain of Yiyang county in Henan[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2017, 44(6): 9-9.




A study of the distribution of temperature-humidity and vapor-liquid transformation in the water vapor field of fractured rock mass: a case study in the Jinping Mountain of Yiyang county in Henan

  • 摘要: 水汽场是描述裂隙岩体非饱水带内温度、水汽时空分布的空间总称。针对目前裂隙岩体水汽场内温湿度的分布情况以及其汽、液转化规律等问题至今并未解决的现状,以宜阳锦屏山为研究对象,开展监测孔布设、长期数据监测等工作,并以春、夏、秋、冬四季的实测温湿度数据为基础,对水汽场内温湿度分布及汽液转化规律进行研究。春夏季,裂隙岩体水汽场内的温湿度呈现由内而外逐渐增加的渐变规律,是裂隙岩体内水分、热量的主要补充时期,其内部凝结水分布范围较大,外边界约为20 cm;而秋冬季,裂隙岩体水汽场内的温湿度分布趋势与之相反,是裂隙岩体内水分、热量的主要耗散时期,其内部凝结水分布范围较小,外边界约50~200 cm。
    Abstract: Water vapour field is a general term used to describe the temperature in the unsaturated water zone of the fractured rock mass and the temporal distribution of water and vapor. Some key questions have not been examined until now such as the distribution of temperature-humidity in the water vapor field of the fractured rock mass as well as the laws of vapor-liquid transformation in the water vapor field. The Jinping Mountain of Yiyang county is taken as an case study in this paper and the distribution of temperature-humidity as well as the laws of vapor-liquid transformation in the water vapor field are analyzed using the measured temperature and moisture at all seasons in the long-term monitoring holes. The research results show that (1) spring and summer are the main periods for the increase in water and heat in the fractured rock, when the humiture in the water vapor field of fractured rock gradually raises from the inside out. Distribution range of the internal condensation water in fractured rock is large and its external counterpart on the boundary is about 20 cm. (2) Conversely, water and heat in the fractured rock decrease and the humiture gradually reduces from the inside out in autumn and winter. The nternal water distribution range of fractured rock is small while that on the outside ranges from 50 to 200 cm.
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-11-13
  • 修回日期:  2017-01-11



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