ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    An experimental study of the physical and mechanical behavior of the saturated lateritic clay in western Zhejiang

    • 摘要: 本文在分析浙西红黏土矿物成分与化学成分的基础上,分别用单向固结仪和三轴仪对饱和红黏土原状样进行了一系列的压缩、剪切、蠕变试验,得到其压缩曲线、应力-应变曲线和蠕变曲线。根据测得的压缩曲线,确定了该土的压缩指数Cc、回弹指数Cs,对原状样压缩曲线的归一化整理后判断出原状饱和红黏土的结构性不强;根据三轴排水剪切试验结果,得出原状饱和红黏土在不同围压下因结构性的存在土体具有不同的破坏应力比,计算得到该土的临界状态应力比和黏聚力;根据原状饱和红黏土在不同固结压力下的蠕变试验结果,得到了该土的次固结系数Cα与固结压力关系,并确定了该土的Cα/Cc约为0.0124,本试验结果为浙西地区的工程建设提供了基本参数。


      Abstract: Based on the mineral compositions and chemical compositions, the basic physical and mechanical behavior of the saturated lateritic clay in western Zhejiang are examined by performing a series of laboratory tests, including compression tests, drained triaxial shear tests and creep tests. The compression index Cc and swelling index Cs are calculated from the compression curves and the soil structure is confirmed by normalized compression curves of undisturbed samples. The stress ratio-strain curves, obtained from the consolidated drained triaxial shear tests, are different at different confining pressures due to the soil structure, and the critical state stress ratio and cohesion are also determined. The changes in secondary consolidation coefficients at different pressures are analyzed and the statistical value of Cα/Cc is 0.0124 for the saturated undisturbed lateritic clay. The basic material parameters obtained from the tests can be used for engineering construction in the western Zhejiang area.


