Freezing-thawing action has a great effect on the strength and deformation properties of solidified saline soil in northern China. Factors of freezing-thawing cyclic number, salt content, modified ethylene alcohol content (SH soil fixing agent), lime content, curing age and dry density are considered, and the orthogonal design and unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression tests are conducted to obtain the shear strength and stress-strain properties of the solidified soil. The results indicate that (1) shear strength is positively correlated with the modified ethylene alcohol, lime content, curing age and dry density under the freezing-thawing action, and it is negatively correlated with salt content. (2) Dry density and salt content are the key factors affecting the cohesion and the internal friction angle of the solidified saline soil. (3) Shear strength and deformation of the soil experienced freezing and thawing are decreased and the drum-shaped plastic deformation or the weakly brittle failure appear in the soil samples. The suitable scheme is composed of 0.9% of the modified ethylene alcohol with 14% of lime content, 1.7 g/cm3 of dry density, 28 d of conservation, 1% of salt content, and 3 times of cyclical freezing and thawing.