ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Development of deep karst under the coupling of multistage flow systems :A case of southern part of the Zhongliang Mountain anticline of the parallel barrier structure in Eastern Sichuan

    • 摘要: 新构造运动背景下,干、支流对地壳抬升反应速率的差异,导致具有不同排泄作用的河谷广泛组合,形成多级地下水流动系统,地下水作为岩溶含水系统发育的主要控制因素,多级水流系统的空间耦合影响岩溶发育分布规律。文章首先根据中梁山背斜南段岩溶槽谷横向沟谷的发育特征,将岩溶槽谷划分为渗流区、分流区、外流区;结合横向沟谷控排作用与地形指数,分析多级水流系统耦合的空间分异特征。其次通过隧道建设背景下地表水漏失、隧道涌水情况及隧道施工揭露岩溶现象验证在多级水流系统耦合效应下深部岩溶发育特征。结果表明:渗流区以区域水流系统为主,隧道涌水量巨大,水流通道连通性良好,地表水基本干涸,深部岩溶发育强烈;分流区除了近河谷地带以局部水流系统为主、深部岩溶发育较弱以外,宽缓分水岭地带的地下水流动仍然以区域性流动为主,深部岩溶较发育,隧道涌水量较大,地表水与深部岩溶地下水水力联系较好,隧道建设对地表水影响严重;外流区以局部浅循环为主,深部岩溶发育程度弱,深部岩溶水与地表水水力联系较弱,地表水漏失程度一般。本研究不但拓宽了托特多级水流系统的应用领域,为岩溶发育理论研究提供了新的角度,同时为深埋岩溶隧道建设的危险性评价及引发的环境负效应研究提供理论指导。


      Abstract: Under the background of neotectonics, the multistage underground flow system has developed due to the different responses of the main stream and tributaries to the crust uplift. The coupling of multistage underground flow systems thoroughly influences the development of karst. On the basis of the development characteristics of the transverse valleys, the study area is divided into the vadose area, shunted area and exorheic area. The controlling-drain action and the topographic index are examined and the coupling features of the multistage underground flow system are analyzed. Based on the coupling of the multistage underground flow systems, the characteristics of deep karst development are verified with the loss of surface water, water bursting and karst development characteristics of tunnels. The vadose area is a regional water system base, in which deep karst developed well, resulting in the large water inflow of tunnels and the drying up of surface water. The shunted area, except the region near the transverse valleys, is characterized by regional water systems. The developed deep karst makes the surface water connect with deep groundwater, causing the relatively large water flow of tunnels and the serious leakage of surface water. The deep karst developed relatively poor in the regions near the transverse valleys which is characterized by local water systems. The exorheic area is a local water system base, in which the deep karst developed poor, and the connection among surface water and deep groundwater is also poor, resulting in the poor loss of surface water under the tunnel construction. This study may broaden the application field of the groundwater flow system theory, and provide a new perspective for the study of karst development theory. It also provides theoretical guidance for hazard assessment and environmental negative effect in deep-buried karst tunnel construction.


