ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Isotope analyses of the interaction between the Anyang River and groundwater

    • 摘要: 河流与地下水相互作用研究是水文学研究的难点和热点。安阳河与地下水相互作用研究,对于安阳市水资源科学开发与管理具有重要意义。安阳河冲洪积扇地表水与地下水转化率为17%~27%。潜水位标高为80 m,向下游逐渐变成多层含水层(水位40 m)。当地降水环境同位素监测数据表明,当地大气降水线与全球大气降水线接近平行,表明该线代表本地区大气降水的氢氧同位素特征。地表水同位素值较集中,2016年8月δ18O值变化范围为-9‰~-8.7‰,δD值变化范围为-65‰~-63‰,2017年1月δ18O值变化范围为-8.5‰~-8.2‰,δD值变化范围为-63‰~-61‰,河水水化学类型为HCO3·SO4—Ca型,表明流域内地表水的同位素值受距离的影响较小。地下水稳定同位素值变化较大,2016年8月δ18O值范围为-10.4‰~-5.5‰,δD值范围为-75‰~-46‰,2017年1月δ18O值范围为-10.2‰~-5.4‰,δD值范围为-75‰~-45‰,即从接近降水值到最大值形成一条“蒸发”线。河流出山口一带地下水同位素值呈现最大蒸发值,表明地表水补给地下水,地下水化学类型为HCO3·SO4·Cl—Ca,存在明显人为污染成分。下游为大气降水补给浅层地下水,中深层地下水主要来源于中游侧向径流,水化学类型主要为HCO3—Ca·Mg型,综合分析表明,安阳河中下游(冲洪积扇)地带“三水”转换积极,并影响其水质、水量。


      Abstract: The study of interaction between rivers and groundwater is a difficult and hot topic in hydrological researches. The interaction between the Anyang River and groundwater is of great significance for the scientific development and management of water resources in the city of Anyang. The conversion rate of surface water and groundwater in the Anyang River alluvial fan ranges in downstream from 17% to 27%, and the aquifer system changes from the phreatic aquifer with the highest water table of 80 m to a multi-layer aquifer with groundwater level of 40 m. The analysis of local precipitation monitoring data shows that the local meteoric water line is parallel to the global meteoric water line, indicating that the line represents the hydrogen and oxygen isotope characteristics of atmospheric precipitation in the region. The isotope values of the surface water are concentrated. In August 2016, the δ18O value ranged from -9‰ to -8.7‰, and the δD value ranged from -65‰ to -63‰. In January 2017, the δ18O value ranged from -8.5‰ to -8.2‰, the δD value varies from -63‰ to -61‰, and the hydrochemical type of the river water is of HCO3·SO4-Ca type, indicating that the watershed is less affected by the distance. The stable isotope values of groundwater varys greatly. In August 2016, the δ18O value ranged from -10.4‰ to -5.5‰, and the δD value, from -75‰ to -46‰. In January 2017, the δ18O value ranged from -10.2‰ to -5.4 ‰, and the value of δD, from -75‰ to -45‰, that is, an “evaporation” line is formed from the approaching precipitation value to the maximum value. The isotope values of groundwater in the middle reaches of the river (out of the mountain pass) shows the maximum evaporation value, indicating that surface water replenished to groundwater. Hydrochemical type of groundwater is of HCO3·SO4·Cl-Ca type, and there are obvious human pollution components. The shallow groundwater is recharged from infiltration of precipitation in downstream. The middle and deep groundwater mainly originates from the lateral flow in the middle reaches, and the hydrochemical type is mainly HCO3-CaoMg. type The comprehensive analysis shows that the “three waters” in the middle and lower reaches of the Anyang River (alluvial fan) have actively converted and affected its water quality and quantity.


