ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Vulnerability of ecological environment in the modern Yellow River delta wetland

    • 摘要: 受大气降水、黄河水位断流、风暴潮和人类工程活动等因素影响,现代黄河三角洲滨海湿地生态水文环境极其脆弱和敏感。本文运用地下水数值模拟方法,通过构建滨海湿地水文模型,以氯离子作为模拟因子,预测滨海湿地地下水趋势性变化。计算结果显示,湿地水位和盐度对湿地生长和发育起控制作用;黄河持续断流和强烈风暴潮对湿地水质影响明显;当风暴潮引起增水幅度超过正常潮高的2.4m,会造成沿海低地特别是北部未受防潮大坝保护的滨海湿地淹没。


      Abstract: The ecological environment of the modern Yellow River delta wetland is getting more vulnerable under the influence of sea level rise, storm tide, shortage of discharge, extreme precipitation or evaporation, as well as human activities. A coastal wetland groundwater model was constructed by using Cl- as a simulated factor. The results suggest that the change in shallow groundwater quality of the wetland depends upon the natural factors such as strong cutoff in the lower reaches and storm tide and human engineering activities. The coastal wetland would be submerged in the north without damp proof when the height of the storm tide reaches 2.4 m. The depth gradients of shallow groundwater and brackish water in sediments in the studied coastal delta wetland are the key factors to the vulnerability of ecological environment. The desalination of brackish water is derived by the joint action of groundwater dynamics, hydrochemistry and ocean tidal process.


