ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Characteristics of damage of confining beds and surface water infiltration under mining conditions in karst mountains

    • 摘要: 在采空区上部、采煤沉陷区边缘以及沉陷区外,采用地面水文地质调查、钻孔地下水位简易水文地质观测、压水试验和试坑渗水试验,综合分析岩溶山区采煤条件下隔水层破坏及地表水入渗模式。对比1955年与2011年两个时期的地下水位值及地表水入渗量,经多种试验验证:采空区上方近地表岩体破碎,隔水层失去隔水作用,与含水层融为统一含水体;采煤沉陷区内,钻孔地下水位下降幅度最高达到86.30m,地表水入渗量最高可达到经验数值的31.61倍,地表水入渗模式以垂直渗透补给地下水含水体为主;采煤沉陷区外,地表水入渗量基本不变,地下水位没有明显下降,隔水层仍保持隔水作用,地表水以坡面流为主。


      Abstract: This paper discusses the characteristics of surface water infiltration in the influence area of goal and coal mining subsidence and outside influence boundary area. Data of seepage test, hydrogeological investigation and observation of water table are used. Comparison of the water table and surface water infiltration in 1955 and 2011, respectively, indicate that (1) The surface rock above the minedout area is broken, causing the surface impermeable layers to lose confining effect; (2) In the coal mining subsidence area, water table decreases up to 86.3 m, and surface infiltration capacity is 31.61 times the value of experience; (3) Outside the mining influence boundary area, surface infiltration capacity and water table do not have not change significantly.


