ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P
    邵景力,白国营,刘翠珠,等. 我国地下水管理面临的问题与对策−兼谈地下水“双控”管理[J]. 水文地质工程地质,2023,50(5): 1-9. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208064
    引用本文: 邵景力,白国营,刘翠珠,等. 我国地下水管理面临的问题与对策−兼谈地下水“双控”管理[J]. 水文地质工程地质,2023,50(5): 1-9. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208064
    SHAO Jingli, BAI Guoying, LIU Cuizhu, et al. Problems and countermeasures of groundwater management in China: Concurrently talking about groundwater dual-control management[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2023, 50(5): 1-9. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208064
    Citation: SHAO Jingli, BAI Guoying, LIU Cuizhu, et al. Problems and countermeasures of groundwater management in China: Concurrently talking about groundwater dual-control management[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2023, 50(5): 1-9. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208064


    Problems and countermeasures of groundwater management in China: Concurrently talking about groundwater dual-control management

    • 摘要: 实施最严格水资源管理制度以来,我国地下水管理取得了显著的成效,地下水得到不同程度的修复,至2020年末,东北平原、黄淮海平原和长江中下游平原浅层地下水水位总体呈现上升趋势,深层地下水水位下降速率减缓,年均下降超过2 m的仅有291个,占全国监测站点的8.7%。但仍然存在着很多难以解决的问题,体现在有些超采区地下水水位持续下降态势依然存在、尚未达到采补平衡、地面沉降继续发生,同时地下水管理、超采区治理效果并没有达到人们期望的那么显著。我国地下水管理面临的主要问题有水文地质条件尚不能清晰刻画、地下水监测与计量精度不能满足需求、地下水管理目标与目前技术手段不协调、地下水管理的外部条件不成熟、地下水确权登记难度大。文章提出了有针对性的对策与措施,主要包括从流域或区域水平衡的角度开展地下水循环转化机理研究、加强地下水“双控”指标确定方法研究与试点、加强地下水监测和开采量计量统计工作、进一步明确地下水管理的职责等。在地下水“双控”管理实施中,首先明确地下水开采量和水位之间的定量关系,依据地下水水位的资源、地质环境和生态环境功能确定水位控制指标,并考虑实际需求和地下水管理目标、降水年份等条件确定合理的“双控”指标。文章深入思考了我国严格地下水管理和超采区治理的问题所在,为我国地下水可持续利用和科学管理提供了参考依据。


      Abstract: Remarkable achievements have been made in groundwater management in China since the implementation of the strictest water resources management system. Groundwater has been restored to some extent. By the end of 2020, the shallow groundwater level generally showed an upward trend in the Northeast China Plain, the Huang Huai Hai Plain and the Middle and Lower Yangtze Plain, and the decline rate of deep groundwater level was slowed down. Only 291 monitoring stations have an average annual decrease in groundwater level of over 2 m, accounting for 8.7% of the total national monitoring stations. However, there are still many problems difficult to solve, mainly reflecting in some areas where the groundwater level continues to decline, the balance between mining and replenishment has not yet been reached, and land subsidence still occurs. Meanwhile the effectiveness of over-exploitation area management has not been as significant as expected. In this paper, we first briefly review the progress and obtain achievements of strict groundwater management and groundwater over-exploitation area treatment in our country. Then we discuss the main problems faced by groundwater management in China, e. g., unclear delineation of hydrogeological conditions, inadequate accuracy of groundwater monitoring and measurement, inconsistency between groundwater management objectives and current technics, immature external conditions for groundwater management, and difficulty in groundwater ownership registration. The targeted countermeasures are put forward, mainly including strengthen the study of groundwater circulation and transformation from the perspective of watershed or regional water balance, strengthen the research and pilot of groundwater double-control indicator determination method, further strengthen the groundwater monitoring and mining output measurement and statistics, and further clarify the responsibilities of groundwater management. The determination method of groundwater dual-control management index is demonstrated. It is proposed that the quantitative relationship between groundwater exploitation and groundwater level should be clarified, based on the resources, geological environment, and ecological environment functions of groundwater level to determine water level control indicators, and the reasonable dual-control index should be determined considering the actual demand, groundwater management objectives, precipitation years and other conditions. This paper deeply think about the probable problems of strict groundwater management and groundwater over-exploitation treatment in China, and the solving ways of the problems is also proposed. It can provide a basis for sustainable utilization and scientific management of groundwater in China


