ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P
    姜巽,曹聪,刘智,等. 歌乐山地区隧道工程诱发的岩溶塌陷发育规律与形成条件[J]. 水文地质工程地质,2023,50(5): 181-191. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208079
    引用本文: 姜巽,曹聪,刘智,等. 歌乐山地区隧道工程诱发的岩溶塌陷发育规律与形成条件[J]. 水文地质工程地质,2023,50(5): 181-191. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208079
    JIANG Xun, CAO Cong, LIU Zhi, et al. Development and formation conditions of karst collapse induced by tunnel engineering in the Gele Mountain area[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2023, 50(5): 181-191. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208079
    Citation: JIANG Xun, CAO Cong, LIU Zhi, et al. Development and formation conditions of karst collapse induced by tunnel engineering in the Gele Mountain area[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2023, 50(5): 181-191. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202208079


    Development and formation conditions of karst collapse induced by tunnel engineering in the Gele Mountain area

    • 摘要: 歌乐山地区近年来因密集修建隧道工程诱发大量岩溶塌陷,然而对岩溶塌陷的分布、规模、成因和演化等尚缺乏系统性总结。通过资料整理、钻井资料分析、监测资料解译等手段,对歌乐山地区岩溶塌陷发育规律和形成条件进行了系统性分析,对致塌成因机理和演化过程进行了深入探讨,得出以下结论:岩溶塌陷多组群式发育在隧址区内第四系粉质黏土覆盖的宽阔岩溶洼地、沟槽或构造裂隙密集区;多级岩溶洞缝系统为岩溶塌陷的形成提供了良好的空间发育条件,致塌力主要来自隧道工程建设引发的地下水动力条件变化;岩溶塌陷主要成因机理是隧道工程建设改变局部地下水环境,在重建过程中产生的多效应致塌作用诱发易塌地质结构塌陷;岩溶塌陷发育演化包括孕育、形成、稳定3个时期。孕育期,隧道工程建设初步揭露富水岩溶缝洞系统,表层缝洞带内形成土体运移、坍塌的空间,覆盖层局部发生变形、脱落。形成期,隧道工程建设与运营通常采取引水排放措施,在引发的多效应致塌作用下岩溶塌陷最终形成。稳定期,隧道工程运营至一定阶段后,地下水环境逐渐趋于新的动态平衡,既有岩溶塌陷逐渐稳定,塌陷群不再向外扩展。研究结果可作为岩溶塌陷监测预警、生态修复和隧道规划等工作的参考依据。


      Abstract: In recent years, intensive tunnel construction has induced a large number of karst collapses in the Gele Mountain area. However, the distribution, scale, cause and evolution of karst collapses have not been systematically summarized. By means of data collation, drilling data analysis, monitoring data interpretation and other working methods, this study systematically analyzes the development law and formation conditions of karst collapse in the Gelle Mountain region, conducts in-depth discussion of the cave-causing mechanism and evolution process, and comes to the following conclusions. Multiple groups of karst collapse are developed in the wide karst depression, trough or dense area of tectonic fissure covered by Quaternary silty clay in the tunnel site. The multi-stage rock cave and fracture system provide a good spatial development condition for the formation of karst collapse, and the cave-inducing force mainly comes from the change of groundwater dynamic condition caused by tunnel construction. The main mechanism of karst collapse is that tunnel construction changes the local groundwater environment, and the collapse of collapsible geological structures is induced by multi-effect caving in the reconstruction process. The development and evolution of karst collapse includes three stages: incubation, formation and stability. In the incubation period the water-rich karst fissure and cave system are initially exposed during tunnel construction. Space for soil migration and collapse is formed in the surface fissure and cave zone, and the local deformation and fall of overburden occur. In the formation period water diversion and discharge measures are usually adopted in tunnel construction and operation, and karst collapse is eventually formed under the action of multi-effect collapse. In the stable period, after tunnel operation to a certain stage, groundwater environment gradually tends to a new dynamic equilibrium, the existing karst collapse gradually becomes stable, collapse group no longer expands outward. The results can be used as reference for karst collapse monitoring and warning, ecological restoration and tunnel planning.


