Groundwater quality monitoring in the Jinan karstic spring basin
The European approach was used to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Jinan karstic spring basin. The GIS-based mapping of vulnerability shows that the karst groundwater aquifers are very vulnerable to pollution. Based on the vulnerability map, the distribution of pollution sources, groundwater recharge and discharge characteristics and the present groundwater quality monitoring wells, an integrated groundwater quality monitoring network was designed. The network consists of 51 monitoring locations, of which 6 for surface water, 8 for the Quaternary aquifer, 1 for the fracture rock aquifer, 26 for the regional karstic groundwater, 4 for spring discharges, and 6 for wellfields. Sampling frequency should be increased to 4 times pear year for surface water, spring discharge and wellfields monitoring, 2 times per year for others.