Mechanical analysis of anchorage segment of pressuretype cable based on the Mindlin solution
Assuming that cable has the same material properties with the surrounding rock soil and there is a displacement in an elastic halfspace occurred for the rock and soil mass reinforced with cable, axial displacement of surrounding rock soil mass along cable under anchorage force was calculated based on Mindlin displacement solution. Based on the stress state of anchorage segment of pressuretype cable, the compression deformation of anchorage body under axial load was also obtained. Theoretical solutions for the distribution of axial stress and shear stress on anchorage segment of pressuretype cable were derived on the assumption of a compatible deformation between anchorage body and surrounding rock soil mass. After comparing with the existed data of insitu test, theoretical solutions proved to be feasible. On this basis, the influence of related mechanical parameters of rock and soil on shear stress and axial stress were discussed. Experimental and theoretical analysis results indicated that the axial normal stress and shear stress on anchorage segment of pressuretype cable were proportional to anchorage force, and several factors including elastic modulus, Poisson ratio of rock soil mass and internal friction between anchorage segment and rock soil mass had influence on the distribution patterns of shear stress, among which elastic modulus of rock soil mass exerted the greatest impact.