The specific well capacity is not the same as the transmissivity of the aquifer tapped by the well-For discussion with Mr. Lan Taiquan
Groundwater; pumping well; steady flow of groundwater; coefficient of permeability; transmissivityMr. Lan Taiquan published 3 papers concerning the relationship between the specific well capacity and the coefficient of permeability or the transmissivity, to which he has devoted himself for many years. He declared that he proposed a new equation and a new argument “The specific well capacity is the transmissivity”. He pointed out that the traditional theory of steady radial flow of groundwater is wrong and that his new theory and equation should be used in the field of hydrogeology. In this article, several problems arising in Mr. Lan’s papers are put forward and discussed. The unreasonable aspects and inapplicability in practical situations of his theory and equation are described, and the argument “The specific well capacity is not the same as the transmissivity of the aquifer tapped by the well” is also clarified.